Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Dear Zoe,

You have been quite busy lately. You went on your first road trip, went to your first wedding, got your first nasty cold, popped out two teeth, and figured out how to sit up for extended periods of time without toppling over. It's amazing what you can accomplish in such a short amount of time. I think you could teach me a thing or two about time management.

It was rather unfortunate that our first trip coincided with your first teeth popping out and your first cold (yes, it was a full-fledged cold and not just a teething runny nose - this cold came with total congestion and a cough). It's no fun to be sick in a hotel, but we managed. It is also rather unfortunate that you think the bulb syringe I use to suction out your nose (hey - learn to blow your nose and we can toss that thing!) feels like someone is poking your eyeballs with thousands of pins, because it's ALL I CAN DO to help you breathe better. Really.

Still, because you're you, you were still happy and fun and fantastic in every way. I think you are magic, Zoe B.

You were incredibly good in the car. If someone had told me 5 months ago that I would be taking a 6 hour road trip with you, I would have...done something people do in disbelief. You have gone from a non-stop screaming passenger to a totally jolly little traveling companion. Cheers to you for that, little girl.

I just can't get over how happy and fun and charming you are. You are just the best thing in the history of the world, I am convinced. I love you so much I could have a seizure right here as I write this (while you sleep next to me and periodically grab your foot and play with it for a few seconds). I know this is all sappy and sentimental and if you read this when you are a teenager you will totally roll your eyes, but you are loved more than you will ever know, Zoe B. More than you will ever understand. Every night before I go to sleep I thank the universe and earth and stars for you. I am so lucky to be your mom.


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