Monday, March 31, 2008

whirlwind weekend

Dear Zoe,

This past weekend we had your sister Josie's 9th birthday party at our house. We had 9 little girls over for 4 hours and I feel I can safely say that you can kiss your hopes for a birthday party like this goodbye. Not that you won't have fantastic birthday parties, kid, believe me - YOU WILL. They just won't be involving 9 little girls at our house for 4 hours. My favorite part was when one little girl threw herself on the floor sobbing because her team didn't win the scavenger hunt and felt that the other team was "bragging too much" and her friends weren't sticking up for her and supporting her when she said that she didn't "appreciate that bragging". I came quite close to telling this kid that even though the party wouldn't be over for another 2 hours, she could go wait for her mom outside in our garbage dumpster. Of course I'm kidding. Mostly.

This weekend we also had my Aunt Eileen, Uncle Chan and cousin Kieran visiting from Michigan. It was A LOT of action for you, which I think you really enjoyed. I only wish I had been better at taking pictures - I realized that I don't have one single picture of you with Eileen, Kieran or Chan. I'm a loser.

They loved you up right (I LOVE having my family dote on you, it feels so good) and every time I turned around you were doing something fun like watching TV with Josie and Jack in a basket full of folded laundry or wearing your burp cloth around your head.

I thought with all this action you'd be crashing out left and right, but you slept very little. I guess Grandma Patty and Grandpa David are right when they say you are just like I was as a child - always up so as not to miss a thing. There is a lot to see in this world, little girl, and I can't blame you for wanting to take it all in.


*UPDATE* Here's a picture taken by Kieran of Aunt Eileen, Uncle Chan and Zoe B


Ashley said...

Wow...9 of them. That's insanity! You should have had a cocktail in the kitchen. Lol.

David said...

I would never have done it.