Thursday, March 13, 2008

From where we're standing...

Zoe had a great night last night! She slept, in her baby-burrito straightjacket in her swing from 8.30-1.30. 5 hours! Yes, she's probably going to have a swing-shaped back when she grows up but I'm trying not to think about it.

The rest of the night she spent going back and forth between our bed, the cosleeper and the swing. I'm thinking about adding in a few more beds just to make our situation that much more ridiculous. Maybe I could put an inner tube on the floor and try that out. Or maybe a sled.

I was thinking about signing us up for a baby class like Gymboree or My Gym where we can see other babies and do some baby-exercises. Problem is, however, I think I'm too judgmental. Sort of like that Groucho Marx quote, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." All the people in Gymboree are going to be lame, eager moms. I am not into lame, eager moms.
I would spend the whole class being annoyed and that would be a huge waste of money. I can be annoyed for free at any of Jack and Josie's school functions - why pay?!
Maybe I should join La Leche League. Maybe those women would be more up my alley. But who wants to sit around talking about breastfeeding?

1 comment:

Kelly Sue said...

We have an Amby bed if you want to borrow it for the next six months.