Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy as a clam but still her mother worries...

Being a parent is the most satisfying, rewarding, meaningful, emotional, and all-consuming thing I've ever done. I also find it enormously frustrating because there are so many things to screw up.

Am I doing this right?

Sure, part of it is instinctual. Nature did throw us a bone there - I don't worry that I'll roll over on my baby at night - I am very aware of her, even in my sleep. But what about sleep schedules? How much spit-up is too much? What about rosy cheeks? Is she getting TOO chubby?

The dairy and soy issues are still a mystery to me. I decided to eliminate soy from my diet (HARD AS HELL - it's in EVERYTHING - much worse than dairy) and her poop seemed to clear up a bit. So I decided to go back on the dairy and see what happened. Maybe it was soy all along and NOT dairy. Who knows. So, I reintroduced dairy and things seem fine. So I reintroduced soy (not obvious ones like tofu, just the minimal stuff like soy lecithin and stuff cooked in soybean oil), too, and things still seem fine. EXCEPT - she seems to be spitting up a lot more and she's got these rosy cheeks. But those two things could be related to about a million other things, too. Maybe just BEING A BABY. Hmm...

People tell you how hard it will be - never getting a full night's sleep and all that. And sure, that can get draining. But it's hard because I WANT SO DESPERATELY TO GET THIS RIGHT and it's impossible to really know how you're doing. There's no report card or performance review. She's a happy girl, though, so I guess I can't be screwing it all up.

I am so happy that I'm not working so I can stress out about this stuff full-time. No, that's not true. I'm happy I'm not working so I can spend hours every day smelling her neck and tickling her toes and drinking her in. She's growing so fast and before I know it she'll be up and running around and I won't be able to spend hours on the bed singing her songs and pretending to eat her feet.

This is by far the best job I have ever had.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chelsea and Zoe!
I am responding to this entry late because this is the first I have been introduced to your blog by Bill. So Cool!!! And She is Sooo cute!
Anyhow. I am just a step ahead of you with Zinnie, and I have to tell you that she is VERY chubby, very red cheeked at times and goes through crazy periods of waking up and then sleeping well. Guess what? Because she is my second, I can tell you that there is really not much you can screw up. REALLY!! All of the crazy love you have for her and all of the amazing loving support you get from your family is all it takes! Yeah.. Thank God is all I can say.
Because many of your journal entries are ones I wrote in my head all through Jeremiah's babyhood. And many of them are things I think about while raising my little smiling girl. ( I know just how you feel about Mom's groups. :) So sorry it took me so long to congratulate you. We have been so busy with both kids. We have a beautiful card here for you and a present is on the way, but know that our thoughts have been with you all along! Hope we get to see the little girlie soon along with her wonderful parents and very sweet siblings.
Love, Susan Littlefield-Dungjen