Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I love Dr. Sears

Dr. William Sears is my hero. My "you're doing it right by not succumbing to these crazy parenting books' advice and following your instincts" guru.

Zoe, for some reason, has stopped her long stretches of nighttime sleep and is waking up every couple of hours. I have been reading up on sleep solutions and I have to say that most of them make me feel sort of sick. My blood pressure starts to elevate just thinking about letting my baby cry it out. I can't and won't do it.

Dr. Sears told me it's ok to just meet my baby's needs and seek out the causes of the night waking. Hell, it could even be the milk. (I'm going back off milk - I just have a gut feeling about it - call me crazy.)

I wonder if there's a fan club I can join. Ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wise of you to follow your instints. I was a big fan of Dr. Sears too. It felt so good to have someone afirm my very strong instinctual feelings. You don't get as much sleep, but you feel better about your job as Mom.