Friday, July 18, 2008

Death by Cute

Dear Zoe,

Well, I guess you're trying to kill me.

Um, who said you could be this cute? I'm not sure I can survive it. Seriously. Sometimes I look at you and feel like I might liquify. Anyway. I won't start that again.

The above picture is a perfect display of your new closed-mouth smile. I LOVE it. Everyone loves it. I'm just so glad I have a picture.

We are having the most fun together, my little love. To quote Grandpa David, "You are such a happy little character." You laugh and smile and say "bwah bwah bwah bwah" and I just feel so lucky that I get to spend every day laughing with you. This is the life, I'll tell ya.

You are getting so big, Zoe B. You got a new high chair and have your own place at the table now. You have started sleeping in your crib, which amazes me. It's right next to our bed and you probably sleep in there about 1/2 the night and usually for one nap a day. You seem to think it's some kind of playground. If I put you in there and you're not almost zonked out, you will perk right up and start kicking your legs and laughing. I think you are proud that you have your own bed all to yourself. You are also getting 4 new top teeth right now. 4. All at once. They work, too. You bit my cheek today and man, those things are sharp.

We're leaving for Michigan in a week - we're going to spend 3 weeks up in Traverse City. Hooray! I can't wait to introduce you to the beach. I wonder if you'll eat 3 lbs of sand on the first day. Probably. It's going to be so much fun. But then again, everything is fun with you, little girl.

I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I've been computer-less for 4 days (Upper Michigan kayak trip) and I can't believe what I've missed. I can't wait to get my paws on you sweet Zoe-B!!!!
Grammy Patty