Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I am so tempted to post pictures of Zoe's poop on this website because it's such a huge part of our everyday life. As you know, "it takes a village" and frankly, I won't really be satisfied that most of you are pulling your weight until you get in on this poop thing with me. But, I guess I do have a least a thread of common decency in me and will refrain from the visuals. I'll still hammer you with the descriptive words, though, so you're not getting off scott-free.

As it turns out, we are pretty sure Zoe is sensitive to cow's milk. After about 2 and 1/2 weeks of no dairy, her poop was pretty much back to normal, so I reintroduced milk into my diet. (Ah, cheese - how I'd missed you. Our love affair can now continue.) Foolishly, I did this RIGHT after she got her vaccinations - one being the rotavirus vaccine that is actually a live virus and could make her gut a little "off" - hey, I never claimed to be all that sharp.) And, after three days her diapers were all full of mucous again. Yucky, yucky, green mucous. Poor thing.

Anyway, having the doctor's office number on my speed dial, I promptly called them to see if this could be rotavirus-vaccine-related and they said they really didn't think so, that it is most likely the milk. So I am back to living in a cheese-less, latte-less world. It's a cold and lonely place, but I shall adjust so long as my sweet baby's poop returns to something less resembling snot and silly string.

1 comment:

Kelly Sue said...

I have turned lactose intolerant since HL was born, so I feel your pain. Oh, and I have also been tempted to SAVE DIRTY DIAPERS in order to show Fraction what he's missed.

Ah, motherhood.