Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lunatic Mother on the Loose

So, today Zoe had her 2-month checkup at the doctor's office. The good news is that she's healthy as can be - weighing in at 12 lbs, 2 oz and measuring 24.5 inches (90th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height). The doctor said that her poop looked good (I warned you this is the kind of thing I'm going to talk about on this website and if you don't like it there are plenty of websites out there that might appeal to this and this) and that I could reintroduce milk (I went directly to Starbucks for a latte). The bad news is that she had to get some shots and I was A TOTAL BASKETCASE.

Honestly, I was nearly in tears in the car on the way there. I have never in my life felt more like an animal in nature - having a baby brings out such strong instincts. I feel like a bear. The instinct to protect my child is so strong that I am acting like a total lunatic. The ride to the doctor's office consisted of me calling everyone in my inner circle to try and get talked down off the ledge because I honestly felt like I was throwing my kid under the bus. I was going to willingly hand her over to someone that would hurt her and that just goes against what every cell in my body is telling me to do - protect my baby. Yes, in getting Zoe vaccinated I am protecting her, but that's higher-level thinking of which I am only sometimes capable.

Like most things in my life that I get all worked up over, it turned out to be less than a big deal. I left the room for the shots, I heard her yelp once and that was it. When I went back in she was just as content as ever and my husband was (and this is something to which I am quite accustomed) looking at me like, "See? NO BIG DEAL."

But I am a bear and there is no reasoning with a bear.

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