Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dear Zoe B

Hi, Rascal.

I just watched a clip of an interview with Sarah Palin. This is an election year, and I tell ya, baby, I'm worried. Sarah Palin is the Republican VP candidate. She is attractive and charming and not even close to being smart enough, experienced enough, worldly enough or prepared enough to be our next vice president. Especially when her running mate is about 105 years old and has had 4 bouts with cancer. But people like her. They think she's "scrappy". I like "cocky wacko" - I heard that today. She is a cocky wacko. She is in no way prepared to lead this country, yet she says that when John McCain asked her to be his running mate she didn't hesitate. She didn't even blink.

That seems like something you might give some thought. Especially with a 4 month old baby with Down Syndrome and a pregnant teenage daughter. Especially when you count the PTA as part of your better leadership experience.

But then again, as Eve Ensler says, "...Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking."

There's a world of stupid people out there, baby girl. Your Grandpa always told me I was smarter than 80% of the population, and growing up I didn't really believe him. But now I know it's true. Scary, but true. (If you're reading this as a teenager, you'll probably disagree with him on that one.) I wish it weren't true. Our country is in a huge mess and I hope for your sake that we get back on the right track and are, as a nation, smart enough to know when it's time to switch gears. Because if there ever was a time, it's now.

I'm rambling. I just hope we get this right. My hope is really for you, my sweet girl. I want you to grow up in a country of which you can be proud, with leaders you find inspirational. I want you to know that in your country, race doesn't have anything to do with ANYTHING - especially not in a presidential election. Where two adults who love each other can get married, no matter their sex. Where we work on new developments in energy and work to save our planet from harm we've caused. I shudder to think about what the world might be like for you if we continue on with these Republican morons in charge.

I hope that when you are reading this you will be learning about Barack Obama, the one who turned things around for us, in your history class. And that you won't have ever heard of Sarah Palin.

I love you my sweet of the sweets. Today you sat in the back of our van saying "loodaloodalooo" while I put an Obama sticker on the bumper.




Patty said...

You're so awesome. You make me proud.

Anonymous said...

I am with you sista! I will be sick if Obama doesn't win. Please, please, please.....
