Monday, July 6, 2009

19 whole freakin' months


Sometimes I worry that these letters to you will all be basically the same - some variation of me saying, "God, Zoe, could you be any more awesome? This month you were awesome in ______ way and super awesome in _______ way. You are, in a word, awesome."

But who cares because at least it would be true.

This month your Dad and I took you to New York City to see Irene and FJ get married. You were quite skeptical of the whole affair, but I think that is because you finally realized that he was tying the knot and that you WEREN'T the bride. Ah, such is life. Still, you looked lovely. There were donuts instead of cake and pigs in blankets and your Grandma Patty and Aunt Jess were there doting on you.

You took NYC by storm - giving everyone, everywhere the stare of death. You would just stop in your tracks and stare at people in the most, dare I say, AWESOME way. It's like you're going to shoot lasers out of your eyes. Or like you're reading their thoughts and having to sift through a bunch of junk to get to the good stuff. Aunt Jess took you into a pizza parlor and the guy working there said, "Why is she doing that to me!? She's givin' me the business!" People say, "she's so serious!" which is kind of funny because geez, you're not serious. You just don't know why they exist and they need to get out of your way, clearly.

This month we also painted a wall in our house with chalkboard paint. It's really cool. Adds a lot of character to our very beige house. You love it and are always wanting people to "cogor!" (color) with you.

You're talking all the time, learning new words every single second and growing up right before my eyes. You have an awesome little sense of humor (you will say, "please, baby please!" and dance around when you're asking for something) and you smile big, huge smiles. Of course there are also times when you aren't getting what you want and you shriek like a mermaid and try and shatter all of the glass in the house. But, whatever.

In a few weeks we are leaving for Michigan for a whole month. You were there last summer but let's face it, you were a baby and spent most of your time just eating sand. Now you're a big girl and we're going to swim in the lake and walk on the beach and build sand castles and eat ice cream and wonder how Grandma Patty ended up having a giant dog living at her house. It's going to be great!

Ah, I love you sweet girl. Tons and tons and tons. You are EVERYTHING.



David said...

How great Chelsea, it certainly captures little Zoe Bean. I love the stare. I know she is looking into the souls of people. :-)
Zoe? What does Granpa David Say?

la_vie_en_shoes said...

I love Zoe and I love the new chalkboard wall!