Monday, May 18, 2009

Visiting our friends in Minneapolis/St.Paul

Zoe and I are in St. Paul, MN, visiting the Corradini family. I met Fabrizio, Catherine, Nicola, Antonio and Alexia when I was living in Oxford. I was the worst waitress England had ever seen, so I decided to stop that and pursue one of the other options for people who couldn't work legally in the UK which was babysitting. I helped out Catherine while she was very pregnant with Alexia by hanging out with Nicola (4) and Antonio (2). I held Alexia the day she was born. Then I went back to the states for a few years and they called me when they were about to move to Italy and needed help as at that time Catherine was very pregnant with Raffaele. I also held Raffi the day he was born.

They moved over here last summer intending to stay for a while, but things went "tits up" and they are moving back to Belgium this summer. It's been 5 years since I've seen them and I figured if I didn't get up to visit now that I'd go another 5 years without seeing them.

Here is a picture of me and Alexia in Italy in 2003, and then Alexia and Zoe yesterday.


Patty said...

How sweet! My best to the Coradinis. More photos please.
Patty Momma

eileen said...

Zoe looks like she fits right in, not
a baby anymore, definitely a toddler.
Hugs and kisses to you, big girl.
Much love, eileena

Patty said...

LOVE the videos. What fun!