Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rascally Rabbit

This is the reason I haven't been able to get much posting done on this blog:

She's rascally as all get out. She wants the computer, the camera, the whatever I have and she usually naps a whopping 45 mins a day in the bed (she usually naps twice but one nap is almost always on my body). So....that leaves me with little time for computing.

I have to say that now that she's mastered the Fropper I think she's going to hold off on walking. The Fropper is a fast and easy mode of transport and she can hop on that thing and be in the next room in seconds, so why walk?

I have much to report, but she's rousing from her nap in the stroller. I'll be back soon. I hope.


David said...

Ohhhaaa, what a smile, it's certainly you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe,
I miss you so....I'm so glad I get to see your pretty face on this blog.
U look like the cat that swallowed the canary...what have you been into, besides everything.? U go girl
It was absolutely wonderful seeing you in Traverse City, hope to see you in Kansas soon.
Much love,
Eileen, Chan and KIeran