Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dear Almost 1 year old Zoe


This post has been a long time coming, but you won't let me near the computer for any length of time these days. You love the computer. Unfortunately it's an "Of Mice and Men" kind of love it so much you rip the keys right off the keyboard. Right now I have no B key, for example.

So much has happened in the last few weeks. Your Grandma Patty came to visit for a week and we were astounded by how many new things you did while she was here. It was like you were saving up all of your new tricks for her. You initiated a game of peek-a-boo, which you had never done before. You pointed to a bear in a book when asked "where's the bear?". You crawled all the way down the stairs backwards. You ate yogurt. Need I say more? I know your Grandma misses you like the dickens, so it was extra awesome of you to wait until she came to pull all of these tricks out of your hat. She was blown away!

We were both a little nervous that you wouldn't remember her and you would think she was a stranger. Pfft! You took to her immediately AGAIN and you were inseparable the whole week. She gave you baths and changed all your diapers and made you yummy food and read to you a ton. You were bosom buddies (by that I mean "fast friends" as opposed to men in drag, like in the Tom Hanks sitcom).

You are very expressive lately - you look at books or videos of yourself and make the best noises and facial expressions. It is making me so anxious for you to talk - I can't wait to see what you'll say. I have been doing some baby sign language with you since you were about 6 months old and you haven't done even one single sign. I imagine you thinking, "Mom, I'm not deaf, quit with the sign language. I'll learn to talk here in a minute." Which is fine, really. We understand each other just fine.

I am planning your first birthday party. I can't believe you're almost 1 year old. It's so bizarre that it seems like yesterday you were a little tiny baby yet I can hardly remember my life without you in it. Life is a trip.

You continue to be the light of my life, little Bean. I love you to bits.


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