Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 2013

Dear Zoe,

It's March and I love March. Spring! Birthdays! Spring! 

This is funny - we went up to Michigan for a few weeks to escape the brown Kansas winter. We wanted snow and snowpeople and sledding so we took off (right after I yanked you out of preschool, more on that later) in the van and drove to Traverse City. When we got back, the sky opened up and dumped like two feet of snow on Kansas City within a week. No joke. That's the way things work, my love. 

It's true that I yanked you out of preschool. In fact, it was Liz's idea originally. We had talked about what a racket preschool is in terms of cost and what you actually get out of it and she said she would just like to take the money and take a big road trip. A few months later we started getting into arguments about what your friends at school would think of ____ outfit, and I can't wear that kind of coat because _____ doesn't wear that kind, and so and so will laugh at me if I wear that. That was pretty much what you were taking away from preschool. Eh, no thanks. What I truly wanted you to gain from preschool was a sense that you are able to work as part of a group. I wanted you to separate from me and have your own thing that was different from our life at home. That all happened when you went to school when you were 3. So, now we're home. We're taking several trips and you're spending some good time with your little sister who is THRILLED to have you home. 

We have been going to kindergarten round-up activities - what? It's true you're starting kindergarten in 5.5 months. I'm hoping you'll go in the morning and then we'll have all afternoon to carry on with our shenanigans. We'll see. 

One totally craptastic thing that happened when we were in Michigan (craptastic is downplaying it, but I'm trying to repress it, thanks) is that you burned your precious little butt cheeks on Grandma Patty's gas fireplace glass. You got two huge (like 3 and 5 inches) 2nd degree burns on your butt. Thank God Grandma Patty was there and was able to call her pediatrician friend. Because of that, we were able to avoid the ER and spare you that trip when you were already absolutely beside yourself because of the pain. This parenting thing just tears me up sometimes. Your poor little butt - my poor little baby. That night I hardly slept - I was a balled up mess of anxiety and stress. Overall you were amazingly brave about all of it and amazingly you'll end up, I'm told, with an absolutely scar-free butt. 

You are learning how to read. You've totally got the sounding out the letters thing down. It's pretty amazing. You can read quite a few of your BOB books. Crazy. 

You're super funny, too. The other night you told me you wanted to wear your leotard all day the following day and I told you we had to run some errands. So you thought about it and then said, "I have an idea! I'll wear my leggings over my leotard and my leotard will be my shirt so I can still wear it when we go out!" So I said, "Great idea." You sighed and said, "Ah, you always love my ideas." 

I love you, my sweet girl. I am so blessed that you are my kid and always feel lucky when I go to bed at night knowing we're going to get to spend the next day together. 


1 comment:

David said...

How great you are Zoe. I am glad your Momma is saying the same things I thought of her growing up.
You are certainly your Mom's girl.