Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012

Dear Zoe,


I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I knew I was nervous but until today I didn't realize how nervous I actually was.

I wrote about Barack Obama in 2008 when you were just a baby - you weren't even 1 when he was elected. Now you're an awesomely feisty almost 5 year old and he's been re-elected. I'm so happy that for 8 years of your childhood he will be the President of the United States.

Sure, we're not in the best place as a country but we're in a better place than we were 4 years ago when he took office. We're making progress. Most of all, I feel so relieved that we have someone in office who believes that gay people should have the same rights as the rest of us. Someone who believes that women can make their own reproductive health decisions. Someone who believes that we all should have access to affordable health care.

And not only was Obama re-elected, we have 18 women in the Senate. We have our first openly gay woman Senator. Elizabeth Warren was elected! Claire McCaskill beat Todd Akin! It was a great night for us, Bean. Particularly for you young people. I feel good about the road we're on for your generation.


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