Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoe B Big Kid

Dear Zoe B,

Where do I even start?

Well, this happened:

I know. You took off for preschool on the SCHOOL BUS. I was so excited for you and super proud of the way you just bounded up those steps and didn't look back. What a big girl. Sheesh. 

This year you are doing 5 afternoons a week at preschool. You go to Heartland Early Childhood Center and you're a peer model in a disabilities classroom. It's a great program and so far you seem to be really liking it. And you get to ride the bus! SCORE! Especially since you won't be able to ride the bus to elementary school since it's just right up the street.   

We spent 5 weeks up in Michigan this year and you loved every minute of it. You woke up crying in the middle of the night on our last night because you didn't want to leave (but a few days after being back home you said, "I really am glad I'm home!"). You and Grandma love each other to bits and you're truly a beach kid if ever there was one. 

You made some crazy progress in the swimming department, which I did not expect. You've always been very cautious around water and don't like your face to get wet, etc. But this year it took you about a week and you just put on your life jacket and went for it. Bobbing up and down in the waves with your cousin, Zinnia, and then Gabby when she came. You even started working on putting your head under the water when you weren't wearing your life jacket. That's HUGE, dude! You worked hard and really took some risks and I'm so proud of you. 

I am so happy we get to spend this time up in Michigan for a million reasons but a big one is that it really gives you and your Grandma Patty some good time together. You just love to be together and I know you're making amazing summer memories living at her house for such a big chunk of time. It kills her that she doesn't get to see you all the time, so having you for so long in the summer is a big deal for her. 

This year Gabby, Cora, Liz and Ryan came to Michigan for a week. We had an amazing time and I think you really got a kick out of showing Gabby where we go each summer. 

I am so proud of what a big girl you're becoming. I can't believe that in just a few months you'll be 5. FIVE!?! That is a KID. Not a little kid. A kid. And just a few minutes ago you were a baby. Sometimes I look at your face and I can still see the baby you in there. It makes me melt, my sweet girl. You really will always be my baby. 

As I always tell you - I love you all the time. Every minute of every day.


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