Monday, November 21, 2011

A letter from Grandma Patty

November 19, 2011

Dear Zoe,

I am writing to you on what would have been my Momma’s 93rd birthday. I know she would have loved YOU! And you would have loved her, she was great fun – ask your Momma.

My recent visit with you was SO much fun. I just can’t wait to come back at Christmas. I especially miss our night time snuggles in bed together. I loved watching you and your Momma playing soccer; it was so funny when she snuck up behind you and pulled your pants down and you laughed so hard. I don’t know
if you realize how much fun your family has together. Lots of families don’t laugh nearly as much as you guys do. Or put up silly and loving things on the blackboard wall.

It was a special treat for me to be a guest at your preschool last week. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I was honored to sit in Mrs. Hawkins chair and talk with your class about your Michigan summer and show them your Michigan book.

Breaking that piñata with you was so much fun and my hand didn’t hurt a bit after taking a hit. The ice was a charm.

When you read this, I hope you will have gotten your birthday present from me. I can’t wait to see you with it! Please send me a picture or show me on video chat. OK?

I talked to Jessie today and told her what a great big sister you are to Junie and how much you make her laugh. I told her about us seeing the deer and squirrels at the Nature Center, as well as the snakes and owls and the red-tailed hawk. She will likely want to go to the Nature Center when she comes at Christmas too. Won’t that be fun?

I want to plan to make gingerbread people with you, as well as Christmas cookies when I come back in December. I’ll bring all the decorations. (Are you sure you can’t talk your Mom into letting me bring Sammy?)

You are Grandma’s special treat. Every time I see you,Angel, you have grown and learned new things, but you are always that same sweet, loving, fun girl and I feel blessed to be your grandmother.

I love you Zoe-B.

Grandma Patty

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