Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 2010

Dear Zoe B,

I know I have been completely negligent about updating this website. Your Grandpa David is about to ex-communicate me from the family. He's one of your absolute biggest fans, Zoe B, and that makes you a very lucky girl. It's just so much happens and the longer I go, well you know...the harder it gets to keep things updated.

We had a GREAT summer. Michigan was perfect and you absolutely loved being at your Grandma Patty's house for a whole month. Dogs and cats and beaches and boats and tubing and ice cream almost every single day.

Your Grandma's going to write a letter for you about your trip, so I won't say anything more about your awesome Michigan summer.

Let's talk about what a big girl you are, shall we?

"My birthday is on Becember 6th and I'm going to turn into three."


You are very into playing with your doctor kit lately. You actually didn't even have one, but your Grandpa Russell and Grandma Jackie took you on a date to the mall and one of the things you came home with was a Dora Goes to the Doctor book (you also came home with the most fabulous stuffed Owl named Miss Hoots who is very well accessorized indeed). After reading this book 100 times, you started walking around banging the hell out of everyone's knees with your version of a reflex hammer which happened to be a wooden toy hammer.

So - off your Dad went to Target to get you a Dr. kit with a hammer that might leave all of our knees in better shape. We play A LOT of doctor around here. Someone always needs a shot or has a broken arm. You're still a little rough with the hammer, but you'll learn.

You have gotten kind of hard to photograph - well, photograph well I should say. You put on this ridiculous smile that is such a far cry from your real smile that I can't even take the picture without laughing.

I'm going to make that a goal this fall - to get out the good camera and try and get some good shots of you. It's good to have goals, even if you never meet them.

I love you, my sweet angel baby.



David said...

Zoe, you are such a wonderful young girl! I have the most fun playing with you when your parents go out on the town. We certainly laugh a lot while we play.
I love it when you stop in the middle of something and look deep into my eyes with a sort of wonderment in your stare, then burst out laughing. :-) You are the greatest!

eileen said...

Hi Zoe,
I had a good time w/you this summer.
I hope to see you again very soon.
I love you very much,
eileen xoxox