Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Half and Two

Dear Zoe,

You are now "half-and-two" as you sometimes say. Spunky as all get out.

Some noteworthy conversations with the half and two year old:

Me: "Do you want some more milk?"
Zoe: "No, I'm good." (this you learned from your big sister)

Me: "Look, I downloaded this game for you..."
Zoe: "I 'ever saw that! That is so awwweesome!"

Me: "It's Daddy's birthday, today."
Zoe: "Yeah, it's not my birthday."
Me: "When is your birthday?"
Zoe: "Tuesday."

Me: "It's time for bed, Zoe B."
Zoe: "Here's the thing...I just want to read a little book for a little while, ok?"

Me: "Let me help you."
Zoe: "No! I'm a big girl!"

Hey remember that weaning thing I was talking about in my last letter? Well, you blew my mind with that, kiddo. I stopped the morning nursing and you protested a bit, but then stopped asking to nurse altogether - even when going to bed! What I thought would be a slow process...maybe 2-3 months, you knocked out in a week. Seriously. Way to show me up, dude.

Here's a shot from your big girl party, which you decided to have at Chuck E. Cheese. Who knew that Elton John sunglasses were in the prize case?!?

This month we went to the hot air balloon festival, which was pretty cool if you don't count the 50 minutes we spent standing in line to buy a $5 corn dog from a 6 year old kid. You loved the balloons, and when we finally got that corn dog you really loved that, too.

It's officially summer now, so we're doing a lot of swimming, staying up late, eating "vanilla-chocolate-sandwiches" (ice cream sandwiches) and playing outside. In a little over a month we'll be in Michigan where we can summer properly (not die of heat stroke and swim in actual lakes). Hooray!

This summer is going to be all kinds of fun, little girl. I just know it.

I love you,


Patty said...

I can't wait for you to be in Michigan where it the greenest green after some much needed rain and today a pleasant 72 degrees...we're saving 80s for you.
Thanks for the excellent posting and sharing my special bean with us all. You really are the best Chelsita Maria, Baja California Baby o' mine.

Patty said...

Half and two
I love you.