Monday, October 6, 2008

10 months!

You're ten months old already, Baby Awesome! I can't believe it.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I should write these letters to you as the person you are now - ten months old - or the person you'll be when you're reading them. It's hard to picture you as someone who can read, but hell - the way things are going that could be by Christmas.

You are working really hard on your standing up, though your feet are TINY! Not freakishly tiny or anything like that, just sort of petite (and of my favorite things to drool over at night when you're asleep and I'm lying beside you staring...). They don't necessarily look up to the task of holding up your awesomely chubby body, but still you somehow manage. You act like you haven't decided that you need to use them in the conventional manner, however, as you sometimes pull yourself up with your weight on the SIDE of your foot (only ONE foot..the other one is always sole-side-down). Looks like a good way to sprain your ankle, but you seem to think it's all fine. Maybe you're just showing off.

You have started to dance, too! You just shake your body and wave your hands around to the beat. They're the best dance moves out there, Zoe B. Getting you down for your afternoon nap is such a struggle that I usually just skip all the effort and go right for the stroller or the Ergo Baby Carrier. I put you on my back in the Ergo and cover your head with this little shade thing so your head won't go flopping backward when you fall asleep. I put on some slow music and carry on doing my stuff around the house (I have to do a lot more of this now that you're mobile and into EVERYTHING). Sometimes, though, when a new song comes on and it's slightly more upbeat than the last, you start rocking to the beat on my back. It's SO cute.

I took you to the gym daycare this afternoon for the first time. I was a little nervous about it, but I thought you might like the other kids and all the new toys. I left and you were fine and then I came back 35 minutes later and they said you hadn't moved AT ALL. You didn't even play, you just sat there staring at them with a very serious look on your face. No crying, just staring them down. And then I picked you up and you stared at me with that, "I don't know what you think you're doing, but I am not amused." You weren't back to your normal happy, babbling self until we got back in the car. Hmm. Not sure I'll do that again.

You have developed a serious crush on the dishwasher. It rivals your love affair with the laptop. You get SO excited when I open the dishwasher door - you make a beeline over to it and start giggling and cooing at it. You climb on it, rub it, try to bite it, and you stick your fingers in all the little holes (your sister Josie has got to be proud). It really cracks me up. Only now I have to load the dishwasher when you're asleep or else you grab dirty silverware out and put it in your mouth and freak out when I drag you away from it's magnetic pull.

You continue to be the most fun I've ever had, my sweet baby girl. Every night when I go to bed I am so thankful that I get to spend the next day playing with you. I love being your momma. You have made me happier than I have ever been.


1 comment:

Patty said...

You are the best pair!
Gma Patty