Friday, January 25, 2008

Dairy is in Everything!

We've been having some green mucous poop issues around here and one of the possible causes is a milk allergy...and because I absolutely refuse to stop breastfeeding, I have to stop eating food that contains milk protein to see if that is in fact the reason Zoe's poop looks like spinach and snot mixed together. Do you have ANY idea how many foods contain milk protein? The answer is A LOT. So I am basically living on rice chex at this point. I plan to use this against her when she's 16 and telling me how horrible I am. "I lived almost solely on RICE CHEX for you! RICE CHEX! You hear me??" Ah, I'm going to be such a good mom.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Hi Chelsea, it's me Alissa from TC. Congratulations on your daughter! I had a son in July, he just turned 8 months on March 6th. I can totally relate with you about breast feeding and the whole dairy thing. My kid spit up from day one and it's just now subsiding. He was tested for lactose intolerance when he was a few weeks old and we found out he was. I couldn't understand how that could be since he was NEVER gassy and (honestly) NEVER cried. I too was adamant about breast feeding and continued to do so, seeing as that it never bothered him. I tried giving him soy along with breast feeding for a very short time but stopped after a few weeks. The soy didn't make any kind of a difference. I know what kind of spinach poop your talking about, it happened to my son a few times, but mostly his poop was runny. Isn't it funny how we talk about our kids poop? I find myself talking to everyone about it even now. Anyway, I share the same feelings you you have being a first time mom. I just tell myself "as long as he's a happy baby I must be doing something right". I too don't work and have the privilege of staying home and raising my son. It really is the most important job I could do right now....and there is nothing easy about it!
If you ever want to chat about mother hood my e-mail address is